Corporate Social Responsibility

Sunda Energy is proud to pursue various initiatives that assist capacity building in Timor-Leste, particularly in education and knowledge sharing

Sunda Energy considers it important for our host country, but also important for our business, to contribute to the development of skills where we operate. To that end, our focus is on initiatives that bring improvements to education and the sharing of knowledge and experience.

In-house Staff Development

Our priority has been to establish a meaningful country presence in Timor-Leste. Our office is staffed solely by Timorese nationals. Personnel are provided with training, on-the-job mentoring and broad opportunities to gain real experience in an active operating company.

Local content

Although Timor-Leste has a limited services sector that can assist Sunda Energy in its operations, there are many capable and aspiring Timorese companies that have great potential. Sunda Energy happily assumes responsibility to engage with these companies and collaboratively assist them in meeting our requirements.

University Educational Initiatives

Sunda Energy has developed links with a number of Timor-Leste universities. It runs a programme of short educational internships for undergraduates, run by its senior Timorese technical personnel. 

The company has given a number of seminars to university groups and is a founding sponsor of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Timor-Leste Student Chapter.

School Assistance Initiatives

With a very young population and a shortage of adequate funds for the upkeep of most schools, Sunda Energy recognises a need to assist in bringing improvements to the environment and equipment available to young children. The company is developing a plan, in association with the Timor-Leste government Ministry of Education, to assist target schools with infrastructure improvements. This initiative is being led by the Company’s Timor-Leste team. Further information will be provided as the programme develops.