AIM rule 26

The information on this page, and found elsewhere within this website, is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. This page was last updated on 5 June 2024.

Description of the BusinessAbout Us
Directors ResponsibilitiesCorporate Governance
The names of the Directors and Biographical detailsBoard Of Directors
Country of incorporation and main country of operationProjects
Sunda Energy Plc is a company incorporated in England and Wales No 5098776. Sunda seeks to acquire and mature projects in the energy sector, focussing on gas assets in SE Asia. It currently operates an offshore Production Sharing Contract in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Current constitutional documentsDocuments & Circulars
Details of any other exchanges or trading platformsSunda Energy Plc is not listed on any other exchange or trading platforms.
Number of securities in issueMajor Shareholders
Details on any restrictions on the transfer of securitiesThere are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company´s AIM securities.
Financial InformationReports & Presentation
Company announcementsRegulatory News
Admission Document and CircularsDocuments & Circulars
BOIL has adopted the Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA) Corporate Governance CodeCorporate Governance Code
The board recognizes the importance of sound corporate governance. The Company has adopted the QCA Code, which the directors consider appropriate for a company of our size and nature. The QCA takes key elements of good governance and allows companies to apply them in a manner which is appropriate for the differing needs of small companies. The “Comply or Explain” maxim allows companies to inform shareholders where policies differ from the norm and why.
UK Takeover CodeThe company is subject to the UK takeover code.